Wasps in Canada


There are two main groups of wasps that we find here in Canada: social and solitary. Solitary wasps remain mainly on their own except to breed, whereas social wasps are found in a colony consisting of a queen, male drones and sterile female workers. The total number of wasps in a colony can differ depending … Read more

VIDEO: DIY Mosquito Control


Being outside in during the summer is something everyone looks forward to, unless you have mosquitoes swarming around you. Here are some mosquito control options that won’t take away your fun in the sun. Taz Stuart shows how to manage DIY residential mosquito control. Commercial pesticide application should only completed by professional pest control companies. … Read more

Coverage at the Cabin

Cabin and Fire

Spending time with family and friends at the cabin is great fun. But that fun can be ruined by an infestation of unwanted pests who decide to take up residence at your cabin. Cabins are especially vulnerable to pest and varmint infestations because of their location and materials. Pests often find nooks, cracks and overhangs … Read more

5 Pest Control Items To Bring To Your Campsite


Now that summer is upon us and camping season is in full swing, we wanted to give you our list of five items that you will need to bring to your campsite. Depending on your needs or preferences, a combo of the items below or even all of the items will help ensure that your … Read more

Top 5 Most Hated Summertime Pests

5 Most Hated Summertime Pests - Infographic

Today marks the first day of Summer, this is the longest day of the year – so get out there and enjoy the sun! Unfortunately, many pests also love this weather. We asked our Facebook friends what their most hated summertime pest is.. Here are the Top 5 results as voted by you!  

The Best and The Worst Fathers of the Animal Kingdom

Giant Water Bug

In nature, it’s not always the mothers taking care of their young – if you read our Mother’s Day blog you’ll know exactly what we mean by this. Some dads go above and beyond, on occasion taking sole responsibility for their offspring. However, others aren’t too keen about their fatherly roles. In the spirit of … Read more

Watch for Bed Bugs at Sleepaway Camps

Paddles - Camp

Bed bug infestations are very common. They were nearly eradicated a few decades ago but have come back with a vengeance. Common places for infestations include campgrounds, hotels and homes. What makes bed bugs so dangerous is that they are excellent travelers. You could pick up bed bugs in Edmonton and they could travel with … Read more

Where Do Cockroaches Hide?

german cockroaches on sticky trap

Cockroaches are year round pests that hide 75-90% of their time. They are nocturnal; they come out at night and feed in the dark. A cockroach needs very little to live. A little warmth, a little shelter, and a little moisture, and a small amount of food are all that is required for a cockroach … Read more

Ask The Expert: How Do I Know I Have Voles?

vole trails in lawn

Voles are small rodents (6 inches in length or so) that are often mistaken for their rodent cousins, mice and moles. Voles have an ability to do significant damage to your lawn and garden, because they’re very resilient creatures that eat just about any plant material they come into contact with. They reproduce rapidly, and … Read more

Mothers of The Animal Kingdom: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Wolf Spider

Human mothers may invest a lot of time and money in raising their young, but that kind of devotion isn’t always echoed throughout the animal kingdom. In the animal world, some mothers go far above and beyond, giving up not just time but often their own food supplies in order to ensure that their child … Read more