Hornet or wasp: What’s the difference?

Wasps are a common summer pest in Canada. You can often spot them hovering over garbage cans and hanging out around ice cream and hot dog stands. Although people often think wasps are exclusively yellow and black, they can be black and white, and other colours. Here’s what you need to know. How to tell … Read more

Are Wasps Beneficial Pests?


Love them or hate them, you can count on wasps to be here every summer – drinking our drinks, eating our food, scaring our children, and stinging us in the back! Wasps are a nuisance, but are they also beneficial pests? Short Answer: Yes! Long Answer: Well… just like beauty, ‘beneficial’ is in the eye … Read more

What’s Bugging You? 4 Pests You’ll Find at The Lake & Cabin

Cabin on Lake - with pests

Warm weather rolling in means summer vacation, time off work, laying in the sun at the beach and enjoying relaxing weekends at the lake. Unfortunately, it also means unwanted guests could be tagging along during your summer fun. Heat and humidity are two ideal conditions for some of our most annoying little neighbors to thrive. … Read more

Hidden Hideouts for Wasp Nests

Large wasp nest

Western Canada is a natural paradise, home to diverse wildlife species, not all of which are welcome to move into your backyard without paying rent, or at very least politely asking for the privilege. Wasps have a way of ruining summer time fun. Around early spring to early summer the queen leaves her nest to … Read more

Wasps in Canada


There are two main groups of wasps that we find here in Canada: social and solitary. Solitary wasps remain mainly on their own except to breed, whereas social wasps are found in a colony consisting of a queen, male drones and sterile female workers. The total number of wasps in a colony can differ depending … Read more

5 Pest Control Items To Bring To Your Campsite


Now that summer is upon us and camping season is in full swing, we wanted to give you our list of five items that you will need to bring to your campsite. Depending on your needs or preferences, a combo of the items below or even all of the items will help ensure that your … Read more

Top 5 Most Hated Summertime Pests

5 Most Hated Summertime Pests - Infographic

Today marks the first day of Summer, this is the longest day of the year – so get out there and enjoy the sun! Unfortunately, many pests also love this weather. We asked our Facebook friends what their most hated summertime pest is.. Here are the Top 5 results as voted by you!