Not All Traps Are Created Equal

Catchmaster Insect Monitors

Trap selection is an important component of any trapping and monitoring program within an integrated pest management program. Improper selection of a trap style can lead to misrepresentation of a true pest numbers in an area. This is due to the fact that pests may: Not be able to enter a trap to be captured … Read more

5 Natural Remedies to Combat Spiders


Spiders are one of the most annoying pests in our homes. In some cultures, spiders are even associated with evil spirits. In general, spiders can be useful as they serve as a natural deterrent to other insects due to their predator-prey relationship with them. However, some harmful spiders like the Black Widow or Brown Recluse … Read more

Springtime Pests: What is Lurking in Your Leaf Litter

Raking leaves

A lot of people do not realize the pest problems that are associated with spring. While leaf litter can be beneficial for your soil, it is also harbouring a variety of springtime pests! Spring is a key time to address occasional invaders such as sow bugs, millipedes, and centipedes. These pests look for the leaf … Read more

Spiders In Your Yard

Spider in Jar

You may be noticing more spiders and webs lately. Environmental conditions such as the changing weather play a major role. When weather is hot and dry, there could be the reason for more spiders in and around your home. As more prey insects are present increases in spider predators also increase. Certain spiders that are … Read more

Mothers of The Animal Kingdom: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Wolf Spider

Human mothers may invest a lot of time and money in raising their young, but that kind of devotion isn’t always echoed throughout the animal kingdom. In the animal world, some mothers go far above and beyond, giving up not just time but often their own food supplies in order to ensure that their child … Read more

Arachnophobia: The Fear of Spiders

Spider at Night

Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias plaguing the human species. People with arachnophobia experience fear and unease when they believe they are in the presence of spiders. The sight of cobwebs or spiders themselves can cause a person with acrophobia to have panic attacks, scream, cry, or even faint. This phobia affects around … Read more

VIDEO: How To Get Rid Of Spiders

Spider Webs

In this video Lincoln Poulin shows you problem areas around the home and garage that can harbor spiders. See what spots you need to hit when getting rid of spiders around your home and where to vacuum and spray for best results!

Spiders Are Back!


Spring has sprung and the arachnid world is coming out of its sleepy hibernation sites or emerging from the egg sacs laid last year. All spiders are venomous but most spiders are harmless to humans. 93% of consumers fear insects and arachnids, and are the public’s 3rd most common fear behind heights and public speaking*. … Read more