Bed Bug Lookalikes

bed bug

No one wants to get bed bugs and a positive identification is crucial in order to protect yourself and your belongings from bed bugs. Always keep a sample of the insect pest and bring it to us at Poulins to identify and provide a treatment program. But sometimes people bring in samples to our office … Read more

5 Insane Insect Mating Rituals

Honey Bees on Flower

Everyone has certain expectations when it comes to love, sex, or even Valentines Day. Some us like to keep it simple and low key, while others crave adventure and something more exciting. The same can be said about the insect world, though some of their excitement may be a bit more than we can handle. … Read more

Tribute to Charles Henry Turner: Entomologist

In honor of black history month, we wanted to pay tribute to Charles Henry Turner (1867 –1923) who was a trailblazer in entomology. His research was ground-breaking in the area of insect learning and behaviors. He was the first person to prove that insects can hear and distinguish pitch, that cockroaches can learn by trial … Read more

Pest Spotlight: Groundhog


Scientific Name: Marmota monax Common Names: Groundhog, Woodchuck, Whistlepig, Marmot Color: Brown/Grey Weight: Approx. 10lbs. Length: 16 – 20 inches FACT: Groundhog Day is a common tradition in Canada and the USA, people gather around to watch the rodent predict if there will be an early spring. Evidence has shown that Groundhogs are wrong in … Read more

Remembering a Legend: RIP Don Poulin

Don Poulin

DON (SONNY) POULIN 1936 – 2018 With broken hearts we announce the peaceful passing of our beloved husband and father, Don Poulin, on January 21, 2018 at Riverview Health Centre. Don will be lovingly remembered by Carol, his wife of 37 years, and sons, Lincoln and Ashton. He will also be missed by Aunt Jeannine, … Read more

Top Pest Peeves of 2017

Honey Ants

10) FLIES Coming in at number 10 is the fly. House flies, Drain flies, Fruit flies, Phorid flies… Some jobs are too big for a fly swatter! In 2017 we did just over 1,500 fly jobs. 9) WASPS Number 9 is one of the most feared pests out there, the wasp! Many people have an … Read more

Meet The Indian Meal Moth

Indian Meal Moth

At this time of year in Canada, the prevalence of Indian Meal Moth seems to increase as this pest is present in stored grains, dried fruits, nuts, cereals and various processed foods. The larvae can be seen inside packaging that has or has not been opened in pantries and other food storage areas. The larvae … Read more

Meet The Team: Maggie

Maggie Poulins

Maggie is our certified bed bug scent detection dog. She is a 6-year-old Jack Russell Terrier who works out of our Edmonton Branch. Maggie has been a part of the Poulin’s Pest Control team for about 4 years and was trained at J&K Canine Academy in Florida, USA. The use of scent dogs is an … Read more

Arachnophobia: The Fear of Spiders

Spider at Night

Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias plaguing the human species. People with arachnophobia experience fear and unease when they believe they are in the presence of spiders. The sight of cobwebs or spiders themselves can cause a person with acrophobia to have panic attacks, scream, cry, or even faint. This phobia affects around … Read more