Getting Along with the Neighbours: Living in Harmony with Wildlife


Skunks, raccoons, coyotes, squirrels, and a whole host of other species indigenous to Canada have become urban pests. This has happened not because they’ve moved into the territory of human beings, but because humans have moved into their home. It’s hard to remember this, though, when some four-legged bandit has emptied your trash bag all … Read more

Carpenter Ants: More Like Demolition Experts

Carpenter Ant Damage

Carpenter ants are one of the biggest insect threats to Canadian homes. They’re found in all areas of the province, and infestations often remain undetected, until repair becomes very costly. Most of the time, when people think about insects causing property damage, they think about termites. Carpenter ants, unlike termites, don’t consume wood fiber, they … Read more

Professional Advice for Rodent Control


To eliminate and control rats and mice, you need the right information and the proper tools. Rodents breed year round and populations grow rapidly under good conditions. Any actions you can take to stop mice will be effective and must be taken to avoid a potential serious problem from occurring. Make sure to Inspect and … Read more

Vancouver International Airport’s Unique Bird Control Service – Raptors


Though they both fly, birds and planes do not get along. A prime example of this incompatibility would be the 2009 crash of a US Airways jet in New York City that lost power to both engines after striking a flock of birds. This flight, the so-called “Miracle on the Hudson” ended with no loss … Read more

VIDEO: DIY Mosquito Control


Being outside in during the summer is something everyone looks forward to, unless you have mosquitoes swarming around you. Here are some mosquito control options that won’t take away your fun in the sun. Taz Stuart shows how to manage DIY residential mosquito control. Commercial pesticide application should only completed by professional pest control companies. … Read more

Coverage at the Cabin

Cabin and Fire

Spending time with family and friends at the cabin is great fun. But that fun can be ruined by an infestation of unwanted pests who decide to take up residence at your cabin. Cabins are especially vulnerable to pest and varmint infestations because of their location and materials. Pests often find nooks, cracks and overhangs … Read more

Watch for Bed Bugs at Sleepaway Camps

Paddles - Camp

Bed bug infestations are very common. They were nearly eradicated a few decades ago but have come back with a vengeance. Common places for infestations include campgrounds, hotels and homes. What makes bed bugs so dangerous is that they are excellent travelers. You could pick up bed bugs in Edmonton and they could travel with … Read more

Ask The Expert: How Do I Know I Have Voles?

vole trails in lawn

Voles are small rodents (6 inches in length or so) that are often mistaken for their rodent cousins, mice and moles. Voles have an ability to do significant damage to your lawn and garden, because they’re very resilient creatures that eat just about any plant material they come into contact with. They reproduce rapidly, and … Read more

Repairing Lawn Damage Caused by Voles

Vole trails with nest

Anyone who’s ever had a vole infestation knows that the voracious little critters are extremely damaging to just about any kind of plant material they come across. Here in Manitoba, the most common type of vole is the meadow vole, though you might sometimes encounter the prairie vole in the Western part of the province. … Read more

Evolution of Poulin’s Pest Control

A St. Jean, Manitoba hotel keeper once refused to let his son have a dog. Like most boys, he found a way around the problem by keeping a small puppy hidden away in a grain shed. One morning when he went out for his usual visit, he found his tiny pet had been killed by … Read more