Coverage at the Cabin

Cabin and Fire

Spending time with family and friends at the cabin is great fun. But that fun can be ruined by an infestation of unwanted pests who decide to take up residence at your cabin. Cabins are especially vulnerable to pest and varmint infestations because of their location and materials. Pests often find nooks, cracks and overhangs … Read more

Everything You Need To Know About Rodent Bait

Placing rodent trap outside

1) How do rodenticides work? Most domestic rat and mouse poisons are anticoagulants; they affect the rodent’s blood, reducing the ability of blood to clot so that exposed rodents bleed internally and die. 2) How long does it take before they die? Rodents that have ingested a lethal dose of single feed anticoagulant bait will … Read more

Pest Spotlight: Groundhog


Scientific Name: Marmota monax Common Names: Groundhog, Woodchuck, Whistlepig, Marmot Color: Brown/Grey Weight: Approx. 10lbs. Length: 16 – 20 inches FACT: Groundhog Day is a common tradition in Canada and the USA, people gather around to watch the rodent predict if there will be an early spring. Evidence has shown that Groundhogs are wrong in … Read more

The Complete Live Trapping Guide

Havahart Live Trap

We share our cities and parks with many different types of animals and wildlife. These animals are resourceful, they are scavengers, predators, prey, and survivors. Sometimes these critters will venture a little too close to home in order to find food or shelter; when this happens, the animal becomes a pest. But you don’t have … Read more

How to Kill Ground Squirrels and Pocket Gophers

Pocket Gopher

As the snow melts away in western Canada and the signs of spring are appearing, so are thirteen-lined ground squirrels and pocket gophers. The 13 stripped Richardson ground squirrel can easily be identified by its thirteen stripes on its back and its golden brown fur. The pocket gopher has no stripes and is golden brown … Read more

DIY: Live Trapping


Sometimes you want to do it yourself and that’s great, but it’s important to remember that trapping live wild animals without the proper training and experience may lead to failure. You may not catch the animal you are trying to. The professionals at Poulin’s know animal biology and trapping techniques to catch any nuisance wildlife … Read more