Don’t Let Pests Move in With You

Family with moving box

Moving into a new home is exciting! Whether it’s a newly built structure or a previously standing home, having a fresh space is always an exciting new start- as long as it stays fresh and pest free. Unfortunately, your new home could look appealing to various insects and field rodents as well. Here are some … Read more

Ask The Expert: Fruit Flies

Fruit Fly

These small (1/8th inch or 3mm) mainly red eyed, golden brown to dull brown insects are usually found in the spring and over the summer months buzzing around any fruit or vegetables in your home. Most likely, you have brought them home with your fruits and vegetables purchased at a grocery store. The eggs, larva … Read more

Do You Want Flies With That

Bobs Burgers - Poulins

People often wonder about the importance of a pest control program for their facility. The pest control industry is often overlooked and, in many instances, looked down upon. Some people feel they do not need a pest control program and others believe that pest control is “just checking metal boxes”. The article below will, understandably, … Read more

The Nuisance of Cluster Flies

Cluster Fly

It’s September and the evening temperatures are falling. It’s the perfect condition for Cluster Flies to start moving into your home, shed, attic, garage or business. Cluster Flies are often mistaken for house flies. However, Cluster Flies are larger, darker and move more slowly. Like many other pests, Cluster Flies overwinter in warm locations. Also … Read more

5 Pest Control Items To Bring To Your Campsite


Now that summer is upon us and camping season is in full swing, we wanted to give you our list of five items that you will need to bring to your campsite. Depending on your needs or preferences, a combo of the items below or even all of the items will help ensure that your … Read more

Top 5 Most Hated Summertime Pests

5 Most Hated Summertime Pests - Infographic

Today marks the first day of Summer, this is the longest day of the year – so get out there and enjoy the sun! Unfortunately, many pests also love this weather. We asked our Facebook friends what their most hated summertime pest is.. Here are the Top 5 results as voted by you!  

5 Differences Between Cluster Flies and House Flies

House Fly

At first, the cluster fly and the house fly appear to have many similarities, but there are actually many differences between the two. There are many differences between cluster flies and house flies. SIZE AND COLOR: Cluster flies are larger than house flies at approximately 7mm long compared to the 3-6mm length of a house … Read more

Pest Spotlight: Cluster Flies

Cluster Fly

Scientific Name: Pollenia Common Names: Cluster Fly Color: Non-metallic gray with golden hairs Size: 5/16 inch long FACT: Cluster flies are not related to livestock production. They do not develop in manure or manure pits. They are not interested in food, do not develop in garbage and are not a sign of unsanitary conditions. HABITS … Read more

Fruit Flies: The Red Eyed Pest in Homes

Fruit Fly

Fruit Flies are most common in the spring and summer months when the conditions for having fermenting or rotting fruit and vegetables occurs. This provides suitable habitat for eggs to be laid on and a new generation of fruit flies emerges to find additional sites for eggs to be laid. Many of us Canadians also … Read more