A St. Jean, Manitoba hotel keeper once refused to let his son have a dog. Like most boys, he found a way around the problem by keeping a small puppy hidden away in a grain shed. One morning when he went out for his usual visit, he found his tiny pet had been killed by rats. Unfortunately for the rats, they had outraged a boy named Napoleon Louis Poulin who would later found Poulin’s Pest Control.
When Poulin’s Pest Control was founded in 1946, the rats of Alberta had no idea what was in store for them. Napoleon Poulin studied the habits of rats, bed bugs and cockroaches. Once he knew their habits, he started his own testing of pesticides to control the pests. His methods of control would later help write a piece of Canadian history. His efforts and talents became known across Canada and in 1951 Poulin’s was hired to eliminate all rats in Alberta. The program took 18 months to complete and, in the fall of 1953, Alberta was known as a rat free province.
Poulin’s success of eliminating rats, bed bugs and cockroaches became known throughout the Prairie Provinces. With that reputation, Poulin’s opened up offices in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. By 1955, Napoleon Louis Poulin was known as the man who killed 10 million rats.
Pest Management Services
Poulin’s Pest Control offers a wide range of pest control services specialized to your situation in order to help maintain a pest-free zone. Our pest control technicians are thoroughly trained to identify the source of the pest problem including identifying which pest is causing the issue and recommend the best long-term solution for you or your business. Poulin’s always has the most current certifications to ensure the highest quality of service and create better results.

Bed Bug Control
Our Services
Poulin’s uses all of the latest technology to eliminate a bed bug infestation. Whether it is the use of residual insecticides applied to areas where bed bugs are hiding, vacuums to physically remove them or the use of our heat equipment, Poulin’s can eliminate your bed bug problem! Some services may only be available in some city centers. Contact your nearest branch for more details.
Bed Bug Identification & Detection
Bed Bugs are a fast-growing problem. When signs or symptoms of bed bugs appear, it is essential that you call in a Poulin’s professional immediately to inspect the area of concern. We carefully inspect common areas in which bed bugs make their nesting grounds such as box springs, mattresses, head boards and nightstands. In addition, Poulin’s will inspect areas such as baseboards, outlets and additional furniture in the room. After the inspection has been completed, a detailed report will be provided by the Poulin’s pest management professional and if activity is found, further arrangements for treatment can be scheduled immediately.
Bed Bug Prevention
Bed Bugs can occur anywhere, they can infest residences and commercial buildings alike and with the number of reported bed bug cases on the rise, it’s important to take preventative measures to reduce your risk of getting or transferring bed bugs. These are just a few products Poulin’s offers to prevent an infestation:
Bed Bugs can occur anywhere, they can infest residences and commercial buildings alike and with the number of reported bed bug cases on the rise, it’s important to take preventative measures to reduce your risk of getting or transferring bed bugs. These are just a few products Poulin’s offers to prevent an infestation:
- Mattress and Box Spring Encasements
Box spring and mattress encasements are by far one of the most effective methods of preventing bed bugs, as they frequently inhabit the crevasses found on box springs and mattress. By sealing off box springs and mattresses, it drastically reduces the space that bed bugs use as their primary nesting grounds. Poulin’s offers box spring and mattress encasements in all sizes. - Clear View Bed Bug Monitors
Roughly the size of a business card, Clear View Bed Bug Monitor is great if you want an effective and discreet form of bed bug detection. Simply slip Clear View in between a mattress and box spring, and check once a week for the most accurate results. - Climb Up Insect Interceptors
Climb Up is a reliable way to detect very light bed bug activity or to monitor dwellings that are more prone to bed bug infestations. Simply pull the piece of furniture you want to monitor from against the wall and slip the leg of the piece into the centre of the device. Check once a week for best results.
Bed Bug Heat Treatments
A chemical-free option is available to eliminate bed bugs. Poulin’s bed bug heat treatments use increased temperatures to eradicate bed bugs. Our staff is well trained in this area to eradicate any size bed bug problem you may have.
Bed Bug Scent Dog
The use of scent dogs is an extremely effective way of locating bed bugs in a variety of locations. Bed bugs can hide inside mattresses and box springs, in baseboards, under carpets, even inside electronics; virtually any area, which makes detecting bed bugs a challenge. Poulin’s bed bug dog is trained to generate faster and more accurate results.

Bird Control
Our Services
Most birds are seen as beautiful to look at, and many are beneficial in eating mosquitoes and other harmful insects. However, birds can often become nuisances. Poulin’s Pest Control can provide the appropriate products which will discourage birds from unwanted locations, or if necessary, can be trapped and relocated to a more suitable area.
Bird Health Hazards
Most birds have very acidic droppings which can deface marble, limestone, painted surface, statues, car finishes, etc. Fresh droppings can cause objectionable odours and slippery surfaces on sidewalks, roads, fire escapes and other areas. Nests can block air vents or present fire hazards. Parasites like mites, fleas and ticks can be carried by birds which can affect the health of your family members, employees or customers.

Mosquito Control
Our Services
Mosquitoes are a nuisance and can sometimes carry harmful diseases; the best way to control mosquitoes is to catch them at the source. For small areas such as yards and gardens, Poulin’s offers a variety of options to control or eliminate mosquitoes.
Mosquito Inspection
Mosquito control begins with an accurate and thorough assessment of the problem.
Poulin’s trained technicians will inspect your yard for breeding sites, which can include standing water, yard waste, such as lawn clippings and leaves, as well as shrubs and other shady areas where mosquitoes tend to attract to.
Mosquito Prevention & Treatment
Prevent entry to structures through proper screening, and exclusion work. Open or broken window screens are perfect locations for mosquitoes to enter your home. Window screens should fit snugly into the frame, and for best results, should be shut during the hours of dusk and dawn.
Fogging or spraying will also aid in a mosquito free area for a period of time.

Rodent Control
Our Services
Poulin’s Pest Control is here to help you with your rodent problem. Whether you have mice, rats, gophers or squirrels, we are here to help you identify and eradicate your problem! We focus on being proactive and look for the issues that support pest survival and will address these with you. After thoroughly inspecting your home, we will show you how to get the pests out, and make sure they stay out! A suitable rodent control program can be customized to suit your specific pest control needs.
Remember, the key to success in eliminating any pest problem is correct identification. If you are unsure of any pest in your home or workplace, please contact one of our offices to speak with a trained pest control professional.
Rodent Identification
Rodents can be tough to get rid of and can cost residents and business owner’s a tremendous amount of time and money in damages. The best option when there are any signs of rodent activity is to call for an inspection. A Poulin’s professional will be able to locate access points in which rodents may be entering, identify the type of rodents you are dealing with, and inform you on the best way to proceed with removing the problem. The 3 common rodents we see in Canada are House Mice, Norway Rats and Roof Rats.
Rodent Prevention
The best way to avoid rodent activity is to stop them from coming in. Poulin’s will complete a full inspection of the area to let you know where potential access points are for rodent entry. A Poulin’s Pest Management professional can set up multiple bait stations around the property fence line and the exterior of the residence or commercial building. Poulin’s will also perform regular inspections and services to ensure your facility or home is pest free.
Rodent Treatments
Poulin’s offers a variety of services and products for rodent control in both residential and commercial spaces.
- Residential Rodent Control
Rodent baits are an effective way to control rodent problems in your home. With specially designed, tamper-resistant bait stations, you can rest easy that children and pets will not consume or come in contact with any of the bait targeted for rodents. We also offer non-chemical control programs with the use of snap traps and multi catch traps when required. - Commercial Rodent Control
Poulin’s works with you to create a regular service program customized to your business’s rodent control needs. We understand that many business’s follow strict non-chemical control options, especially industries dealing with and manufacturing food products. We offer many options that work with these regulations and to keep your facility rodent free

Insect Control
Our Services
Whether you have ants, bed bugs, flies or wasps, Poulin’s Pest Control is here to help you with your insect problem!
We look for the issues that support pest survival and address these with you. After thoroughly inspecting your home, we can show you how to get the pests out, and make sure they stay out! An insect control program can be customized just for you!
Ant Infestation Identification
Three types of ants that can be causing an infestation to your home is the Allegheny Mound Ant, Carpenter Ant and Pharaoh Ant. The colony of the Allegheny Mound Ants become active in the spring. Foraging for food begins and they hibernate in the tunnelways of a mound below the soil surface. Workers attack and dismember other insects that the ants can overcome.
Most Carpenter Ants establish their first nests in decaying wood and later expand into solid wood. These ants enter buildings around door and window frames, eaves, plumbing and utility lines and tree branches that come in contact with the building. The small Pharaoh Ant feeds generally on animal or vegetable food, dead insects, small animals, open wounds, shed human skin on bedding, sucrose and IV solutions, sweets and fats.
The Pharaoh Ant typically nests indoors inside electrical conduits, in linen closets, in sterile surgical packets, under flowerpots, within walls of buildings and near water sources.
Wasp Control Services
Wasps are very aggressive insects when the summer moves into August and September. Wasps lose their natural food source, flowers nectar as many plants stop flowering. Wasps then look for high carbohydrate and sugary snacks to feed on. Where do they find them? In your backyard on your deck when you are having a pop or steak or anything that meets their needs. Wasps can sting multiple times as they have no barb on their stinger which can make for a very painful situation.
At Poulin’s we are trained to remove wasp nests during the day when control is much more difficult, but successful. If you need assistance in removing a wasp nest visit any of our stores across western Canada or call us to speak with one of our experts toll-free at 1-888-768-5467.
Silverfish Identification & Control
Sometimes referred to as bristletails, silverfish are widely distributed in the United States and Canada. Silverfish can live for long periods of time. They also molt continuously throughout their life, which may be up to eight years! They can be found almost anywhere in the home and feed on paper, paper with string, wallpaper, book bindings, envelopes, labels, dried out beef products and will even feed on their dead kin. Proper identification is key for determining the best route of control and sanitation practices to remove silverfish from areas of your home. In general, temperature and humidity control or lighting in certain areas will reduce populations. Residual sprays, space sprays, fogs, and aerosols may help eliminate problem infestations.
Remember, the key to success in eliminating any pest problem is correctly identifying your pest. If you are unsure of any insect in your home or workplace, please contact one of our offices to speak with a trained pest control professional.

Wildlife Control
Our Services
Skunks, raccoons, coyotes, squirrels, and a whole host of other species indigenous to Canada have become urban pests. This has happened not because they’ve moved into the territory of human beings, but because humans have moved into their home.
Live Trapping
Each animal has a different set of behaviors, habitats, bait preferences, and trapping techniques that are vital in knowing to have the best success in trapping it. Remember that you may not catch the specific pest that you are trying to and it may take several attempts.
Selecting the right bait to attract your specific pest is key, as the variety of options is almost endless. Chicken, sardines, eggs, bacon, and many vegetables can all be used as attractants to lure wildlife into traps.

Cockroach Control
Our Services
Get the results you deserve with our quality cockroach services, and at an affordable price too! Our qualified team of professionals bring their experience and know-how with them on every job. But what really sets our services apart from the rest of the industry is our attention to detail and receptiveness to the unique needs of each client.
Cockroach Identification
The German Cockroach is a common household insect within the United States and Canada. German Cockroaches are light brown to tan and have fully developed wings. They usually infest in kitchens and bathrooms but will live anywhere there is food and water. They enter your home by being transported by infested bags and cardboard boxes. German Cockroaches may also be harbouring in used appliances such as refrigerators, toasters and microwaves.
Cockroach Health Hazards
Roaches are known to be a public health issue as they are capable of contaminating food, food preparation sites, and various diseases and illnesses. Roaches are implicated with asthmatic issues in children and adults. Roaches have also been implicated with staphylococcus, streptococcus, coliform bacteria, E. coli, salmonella and shigella. It is very important to have a pest management professional to identify and treat cockroach infestations as soon as cockroaches are found in the home. Treatment is done via a very thorough crack and crevasse treatment and it may take several treatments to remove this very dangerous pest from your home.

Fly Control
Our Services
Did you know that there are thousands of different species of flies?
Whether it’s a House Fly, Phorid Fly, Drain Fly or Fruit fly, the key in eliminating the problem is correctly identifying the fly. Let Poulin’s Pest Control be there to assist you. After correctly identifying your pest, we can show you how to effectively control the problem. We will look for the issues that support their survival and address these with you. We can customize a fly control program unique to your home/business’ specific needs.
Remember, if you are unsure of any insect, please contact one of our offices to speak with a trained pest control professional.
Fly Control Light Traps
Fly lights are a cost-efficient way to keep facilities free of flying insects. Flying insects that are attracted to light and the fly traps focus control around that. The specific design of the light traps allows a UV bulb to light attract the flying insects. When they land near the UV bulb, they are caught on the glue board. This is a great option for facilities in the food industry that do not wish to use chemical products. Poulin’s offers many makes and models of fly lights to meet your business’s needs.

Washroom Care
Our Services
Let Poulin’s Pest Control create a unique program for your business. We can help to eliminate unavoidable odours in the washroom and improve cleanliness to ensure an overall satisfacation for your patrons!
AutoClean LED System
Eliminates odours at the source ensuring that toilets and urinals are stainless, odourless and always presentable. Automatically cleans fixture surfaces day and night. Installation is simple. We do not need to shut off the water, and the washroom will only be closed for minutes.
*Each AutoClean LED System is designed to improve the cleanliness and image of any washroom, creating a hygienic environment and ensuring overall satisfaction for your patrons.*
AutoFresh Air Freshner
Eliminates unavoidable odours in the washroom.
Available in a variety of customer preferred fragrances, water- based formulas make the pump refills the perfect environmental solution!
*Don’t just camouflage odours, neutralize them for an optimal washroom experience!*
Feminine Hygiene Bin
Provides a perfect way to handle and dispose of sanitary napkins and associated waste.
Hands free unit is easy to operate.
*Designed for easy cleaning and disinfecting, its sleek model will fit discreetly into the smallest washroom environments*
Maintenance Plans
Instead of only providing an immediate service once a pest problem has occurred and the corresponding damage caused, we offer proactive preventative maintenance plans to ensure long-term pest-free results.
In addition to the standard pest control services such as trapping rodents or eliminating pests, we also offer solutions to other household and commercial building issues. These integrated pest management programs are specially designed for your home or business.
Insect, Pest, and Bug Blog

The Princess & the Pea: Hotel Bed Bug Prevention
Castle or hovel, home or hotel, all can be invaded by bed bugs. Bed bugs like to hide and they sneak into establishments on luggage, clothing, and other items guests bring inside. How to Prevent Bed Bug Infestations in Hotels Bed bug infestations can be prevented with regular, thorough inspections in every room before and…

Secret Lives of Cockroaches in Winter: How They Survive & What to Do
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The Hidden Cost of Cockroach Infestations in Healthcare: Protecting Patient Safety and Facility Reputation
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