


The most commonly known wasps, such as yellowjackets and hornets, are in the family Vespidae and are eusocial, living together in a nest with an egg-laying queen and non-reproducing workers. 

Wasp Information

Wasp Control Information

Understanding Wasp Behavior and Nesting Patterns for Targeted Pest Control

Wasps have a bad reputation. With or without the misfortune of being stung by one, you know that you don’t really want them around you or your family. Our blog gives you some signs to watch out for when looking for wasps and what you can do to help prevent them from becoming a problem….

Hornet or wasp: What’s the difference?

Wasps are a common summer pest in Canada. You can often spot them hovering over garbage cans and hanging out around ice cream and hot dog stands. Although people often think wasps are exclusively yellow and black, they can be black and white, and other colours. Here’s what you need to know. How to tell…

How to Get Rid of Wasps in Your Yard and House

A swarm of wasps can quickly ruin your late-summer backyard barbeque. These buzzing insects can fall into your drinks, land on your food and buzz around your head. More than just nuisances, they can be quite dangerous. Dozens of people die each year from allergic reactions to wasp stings. Here are a few tips for…

Are Wasps Beneficial Pests?

Love them or hate them, you can count on wasps to be here every summer – drinking our drinks, eating our food, scaring our children, and stinging us in the back! Wasps are a nuisance, but are they also beneficial pests? Short Answer: Yes! Long Answer: Well… just like beauty, ‘beneficial’ is in the eye…