What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bug - side view

The biggest pest problem threatening any populated area in recent years is the bed bug. Their population had declined steadily since the 1930s, to the point of near extinction a few years ago. Unfortunately, due to numerous circumstances, bed bugs have returned with a vengeance, and exist everywhere. Bed bugs have been with us a … Read more

Bird Population Control

Swinging Pigeons Line

Birds delight bird watchers across Canada. Many spend hours photographing and recording bird sightings to share with other enthusiasts. This pastime even encourages a love of gardening to attract birds to area yards. With so much time and money spent to preserve and develop the bird population, why would anyone want to control the bird … Read more

DIY Bed Bug Treatment.. Why It Doesn’t Work

DIY Pest Control

There is a lot to be said for doing things yourself these days. When it comes to treating a bed bug infestation, unless you are a pest management professional, don’t do it yourself. You need specialists for this battle. There are a lot of bugs out there that people can manage to eradicate on their … Read more

Top 5 Most Hated Summertime Pests

5 Most Hated Summertime Pests - Infographic

Today marks the first day of Summer, this is the longest day of the year – so get out there and enjoy the sun! Unfortunately, many pests also love this weather. We asked our Facebook friends what their most hated summertime pest is.. Here are the Top 5 results as voted by you!  

Where Do Cockroaches Hide?

german cockroaches on sticky trap

Cockroaches are year round pests that hide 75-90% of their time. They are nocturnal; they come out at night and feed in the dark. A cockroach needs very little to live. A little warmth, a little shelter, and a little moisture, and a small amount of food are all that is required for a cockroach … Read more

Mothers of The Animal Kingdom: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Wolf Spider

Human mothers may invest a lot of time and money in raising their young, but that kind of devotion isn’t always echoed throughout the animal kingdom. In the animal world, some mothers go far above and beyond, giving up not just time but often their own food supplies in order to ensure that their child … Read more

Pest Spotlight: German Cockroach

German Cockroach

Scientific Name: Blattella germanica Common Names: German cockroach Color: Varies from light brown to tan Size: 13 to 16 mm long FACT: German cockroaches have wings but do not use them to fly! HABITS German cockroaches are becoming the most common household insect within the United States and Canada. This pest typically infests kitchens and … Read more