Mothers of The Animal Kingdom: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Wolf Spider

Human mothers may invest a lot of time and money in raising their young, but that kind of devotion isn’t always echoed throughout the animal kingdom. In the animal world, some mothers go far above and beyond, giving up not just time but often their own food supplies in order to ensure that their child … Read more

DIY: Removing Wasp Nests

Wasp Nest

As summer moves into August a very busy pest has been growing its nest size slowly over the months of June and July. As the flowers and other natural food sources start to disappear, the move from the natural sugars and nectars from these food sources dry up and the need for proteins and carbohydrates … Read more

VIDEO: How To Remove A Wasp Nest

How to remove wasp nest

In this video we will show you how to effectively and safely remove a wasps nest. However, Poulin’s Pest Control will be more then happy to assist with wasp removal so you don’t have to tackle this on your own. We are trained and licensed and will remove wasps during the day when control is … Read more

Pest Spotlight: Wasps


Scientific Name: Vespidae Common Names: Wasp Color: Most are black, white and yellow Size: ½ inch long FACT: Unlike bees, wasps do not make honey, but some species help in the pollination of plants. HABITS Wasps have four stages in their life history: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Adult wasps have four sparsely veined, membranous … Read more