Test Your Knowledge: Stored Product Pests Quiz

We created this STORED PRODUCT PESTS quiz for you to test your knowledge! Can you beat the Stored Product Pests? Check your answers with the answer key posted below.

  1. Insects classified as stored product pests include, but not limited to the saw-toothed grain beetle, the Indian meal moth, the rice weevil and the flour beetle.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. Webbing is a good sign of a stored product pest infestation.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. Indian meal moth feed off of bird seed. Which life stage does the damage?
    1. Egg
    2. Larva
    3. Pupa
    4. Adult
  1. Pantry pests are another name for stored product pests.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. Pet food can breed:
    1. Indian meal moths
    2. Merchant grain beetles
    3. Saw-toothed grain beetles
    4. All the above
  1. More than 1 different type of Stored product pest can infest a source.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. An adult Indian meal moth’s main point of a life is?
    1. To feed on the source
    2. Lay eggs
  1. While the Indian meal moth will attack bird seed, it will not attack other types of foods, such as dried fruit.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. Stored product pests cannot infest products in cardboard containers because they cannot penetrate the container.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. It’s rare to find any live insects in a food package or container because once they have infested it, they die of suffocation.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. If you find any live insects in a product, you can kill them by freezing the product.
    1. True
    2. False
  1. One of the defensive characteristics of stored product insects is that they will “play dead” when disturbed.
    1. True
    2. False


  1. True
  2. True
  3. Larva
  4. True
  5. All of the Above
  6. True
  7. Lay Eggs
  8. False
  9. False
  10. False
  11. True
  12. True
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