VIDEO: DIY Mosquito Control


Being outside in during the summer is something everyone looks forward to, unless you have mosquitoes swarming around you. Here are some mosquito control options that won’t take away your fun in the sun. Taz Stuart shows how to manage DIY residential mosquito control. Commercial pesticide application should only completed by professional pest control companies. … Read more

5 Pest Control Items To Bring To Your Campsite


Now that summer is upon us and camping season is in full swing, we wanted to give you our list of five items that you will need to bring to your campsite. Depending on your needs or preferences, a combo of the items below or even all of the items will help ensure that your … Read more

Mosquitoes and You: How to Avoid Mosquito Bites


Now that the temperatures have heated up, it means that summer is here and mosquitoes have returned. It is important to take personal protection measures against mosquitoes because not only do their bites can cause an itchy reaction, but they can also transmit potentially harmful diseases. Female mosquitoes are very choosy for their potential blood … Read more