The most common bees found in Canada in either residential or rural, wooded areas will be the honeybee, the bumblebee, and the carpenter bee.
Basic Information
The most common bees found in Canada in either residential or rural, wooded areas will be the honeybee, the bumblebee, and the carpenter bee.
Bees are not inherently aggressive, and will only sting if they are or their colony is being immediately threatened. Barring allergies to bees, they don’t pose a threat but can be a garden nuisance if you don’t like their buzzing or potential swarms flying around in search of a place to settle.
Bees are also helpful and beneficial to the environment with their pollination. Bees transport 80% of pollen needed by other plants such as fruits, vegetables and legumes!
If you find you have an excessive number of bees in your space during summer, you can paint, caulk or otherwise seal up wood to prevent burrowing. Screens over entrances like doors and windows are effective, as is filling in old animal burrows that bees may target to build their hive inside of. Avoid using perfumes, and make sure any food or drink is covered up to reduce the possibility of scents attracting them. Make sure any extra standing water is covered, such as kiddie pools or birdbaths.

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